Tuesday, November 17, 2009

5K Running and the Miles in a 5K

Your AMAZINES.COM Subscription Article(s)

(Article Abstract)
Kettlebell Exercises - A Beginners Guide
by Aamir Chris

Kettlebell exercises have the potential to turn your training routine on its head. Fat loss, muscle building and conditioning can all happen simultaneously with balance and stretching ability being improved too -- If you don't have kettlebell exercises in your regime, you're missing out.

Now, before getting on to the b...

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(Article Abstract)
3 Most Dangerous Bodybuilding Mistakes
by Maverick Denic

Bodybuilding is essential to muscle gain and health, but mistakes in bodybuilding technique can lead to lifelong damage. Knowledge is always power. There are a lot of resources available that teach the correct way to exercise. Utilize these sources of information. If you know the correct way to go about bodybuilding you are mor...

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(Article Abstract)
P90X Workout Routines and Supplements - Check it out for yourself!
by Caroline Miller

The p90x workout, which was released in 2004, has been a very successful workout plan for as many as 2 million people, who have greatly benefited from this exercise program. There are a lot of speculations and theories about how it all began, but the bottom line is that the p90x has certainly proved beneficial for millions with ...

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(Article Abstract)
Fast Weight Loss Requires an Approach, Not a Fad
by Shaun Taylor

Some people eat out of sheer love for food. After all, food is one of life's greatest pleasures. Some people eat poorly because it's easier or cheaper to eat poorly. Whatever the reason for our specific diets, the end result is the same: as a society, developed countries around the world have populations experiencing obesity in ...

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(Article Abstract)
5K Running and the Miles in a 5K
by Jenny Jenkins

Does it matter if you measure a distance in kilometers or miles? Not in practical terms because a fixed distance does not change which ever way you find of measuring it. But it does have a psychological effect on people who may be running the distance.

A 5k race is 3 miles long. Or if you want to be really accurate, it i...

To view the entire article, click here.

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