Monday, December 15, 2008

Shake Your way to a Thinner Body

Your AMAZINES.COM Subscription Article(s)

(Article Abstract)
Get Better Sleep with Tart Cherries
by Russ Anderson

Cherries have long been known as a fruit that can help fight joint pain due to gout and arthritis. In addition, the antioxidants found in this tiny red fruit can also fight muscle pain due to physical exercise. But did you know that tart cherries can also help you get a good nights' sleep? The reason is that tart cherry is an ex...

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(Article Abstract)
Beginning Bodybuilding For Women
by Tyler Ziggler

I want to give some advice for beginning bodybuilding for women. This is a very tough sport. It isn't tough as in hard, it's tough as in it requires dedication over a long term. Many people don't have that ability. There is no instant gratification in bodybuilding and it can seem very unrewarding at time. The winners in this spo...

To view the entire article, click here.

(Article Abstract)
Losing weight with the Free Diet Exercise Programs
by Joel Riley

A familiar problem nowadays is obesity. So much so that a majority of the population had set goals to lost weight as one of their priorities. Because of this, the weight loss industry has prospered very well. And if you yourself have such a goal to lose weight be sure not to get mislead by any online scheme. Try to find a f...

To view the entire article, click here.

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