Friday, May 30, 2008

To Build Muscle You Must Train For Strength, Not Endurance

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(Article Abstract)
Teas and Western Herbal Medicine
by James Christian

Western Herbal Medicine – Teas James Christian, Medical Herbalist,

There are a lot of people that take herbal medicines in the form of a tea for various reasons. Some of the basic reasons are that they don't like the alcohol in tinctures, which is usually an organic grain alcohol, or that the taste ...

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(Article Abstract)
Staying In Shape Over School Breaks From Ballet Shoes and Pointe Shoes
by Dianne M. Buxton

School breaks are always welcome - whether you're going on a trip or just hanging out and relaxing, it's a pleasant change. But staying in shape is a challenge. If your ballet school is closed too, here's some tips for not feeling completely out of shape when you get back.

You can start thinking about this by making a no...

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(Article Abstract)
To Build Muscle You Must Train For Strength, Not Endurance
by Luke Johnstone

What many don't realise is that building muscle is actually quite simple. All that you have to do is get stronger. Generally, the stronger you get, the more muscle you will build.

If you continually subject your body to progressively heavier weights, your body will have no choice but to adapt and grow larger, to withsta...

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

10 Tips to Avoid Weight Loss

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Lower Back Pain Relief, It can be done!
by Richard Collins

Lower back pain caused by muscle spasms, muscle sprains, slipped disks, sprained ligaments or joint problems is something that most of us will experience at some point in our lives. usually it occurs when you have preformed a strenuous activity like gardening, sports, heavy lifting or other activities that your back is not used ...

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(Article Abstract)
Secrets of Weight Loss

Look on the internet under the subjects of weight loss or losing weight and you will come across websites offering to share the secrets of weight loss with you. This is a wonderful thing that these people are prepared to give you an insight as to what you can do to lose weight. Off course many of the secrets are not free. You ca...

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Monday, May 26, 2008

The Best Way to Prevent Diabetes!

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(Article Abstract)
On Picking the Right Mountain Biking Apparel
by ABC of Mountain Biking

There are a lot of local shops and online stores today who offer great choices of mountain biking apparel. Not only considering a biker's own tastes and preferences, they should also opt for those that function well. So if anyone's up into buying his or her new sets of clothing, make sure they all meet the fundamentals that will...

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(Article Abstract)
The Best Way to Prevent Diabetes!
by Lionel Estridge

Diabetes can be prevented or, in some cases, delay the start of diabetes by taking charge before it advances from what is known as the pre-diabetic stage to being a full-blown illness. Pre-diabetes refers to the stage where you have higher-than-normal blood glucose, but not high enough to be classified as diabetes. Pre-diabete...

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Friday, May 23, 2008

Fat-Getting Fat On Prescription Drugs

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Exercise & Fitness Center: How to Choose the Fitness Center of Your Life
by Nicholas Tan

In reality, you really do not have to spend a lot of money on expensive health club or fitness centers memberships, treadmills, or the latest fitness gadget to get moving.

However, some people find that if they make a monetary investment, they are more likely to follow through on fitness.

Fitness centers are, bas...

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(Article Abstract)
The Bowflex Tread Climber - The Fat Blasting Secrets Of Three Machines In One!
by Brent Craig

The Bowflex Tread Climber is a remarkable piece of equipment for the home gym. Essentially a hybrid of three different kinds of machines, the Bowflex Tread Climber provides a smooth, fluid and nearly impact-less workout that will have you sweating and panting and burning loads of calories in no time. This makes the machine espec...

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(Article Abstract)
Fat-Getting Fat On Prescription Drugs
by Bryon Zirker

You're probably aware of the many side effects of prescription medications. If you've ever seen a drug commercial on television you would hear the disclaimer voice over stating "profuse sweating, dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath, dry mouth, constipation, headache, sensitivity to light, spontaneous bleeding, blunt trauma,...

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Elecampane - Uses and Side Effects

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Abhyasa for Health
by Francis Adam

The mind of such a person stops running about, and becomes steady and still very easily. The process of steadying the mind is called abhyasa in yoga terminology. It is made of three stages respectively called dharana, dhyana, and samadhi. Dharana is a state of mental concentration in which the mind, which has stopped running aft...

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Anatomical "Fixer-Upper"

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Ditching the Diet
by John Kaduwanema

With spring and summer approaching, many people will be franticly trying to lose some weight in a bid to look good on the beach.

It would appear that we are indeed a nation obsessed with weight loss, and a search for the word "diet" on will return 26,972 results for books on the subject. Google comes up w...

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(Article Abstract)
Dhayana - Controlling the Mind
by Francis Adam

Human mind has ever been a thing of great concern to the philosophers, thinkers, and masters of yoga. Guided by the maxim "healthy mind in a healthy body", we have tried to show in the earlier chapters how yoga practices involving control of muscles and breath can help to make the mind healthy and peacefu1. In the present chapte...

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(Article Abstract)
Anatomical "Fixer-Upper"
by Ty Ferrell

Eventually, as an athlete, you will hit a point where performance stagnates whether it is from asymmetries, lack of mobility in certain joints, injuries, or false plateaus. Whatever the specific reason we have all felt a loss of performance. It is at this point you need go back and check your training, nutrition and recovery jo...

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ditching the Diet

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How To Take Off Weight With The Atkins Diet
by Alan Densky

Despite the popularity of the Atkins Diet, it is often greatly misrepresented! Common, but slightly exaggerated depictions of the program portray dieters devouring nothing but huge quantities of meat and fat. Although the diet is not quite this simple, many people under the program have successfully lost weight and improved thei...

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(Article Abstract)
Fat Or Cellulite-Blast Fat Induced Cellulite Forever
by Bryon Zirker

Cellulite sometimes called "cottage cheese" eeewwww! is not so attractive a picture.The good news is that it can be defeated.

Dermatologist Howard Murad, the author of the book The Cellulite Solution said that cellulite is not A fat problem no he claims that is skin related, although more fat means that it squeezes itsel...

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(Article Abstract)
What The Heck Is Calorie Shifting?
by Gary Holdon

Whether you are trying to work off that pesky five pounds that you put on over the holidays or you are trying to integrate a higher level of healthy eating into your life, there is a god chance that by now you have heard of the phrase "calorie shifting." Calorie shifting is often used by people to lose weight, but it also laude...

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(Article Abstract)
Dark Chocolate Can Reduce Blood Pressure
by John Kaduwanema

Do you adore eating chocolate? If you are like a lot of people in the UK the answer will be yes! We spend around £3 billion each year on half a million tons of chocolate, and a lot of time afterwards feeling guilty about indulging ourselves. With Easter just around the corner, many people have already started to shop fo...

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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Gotu Kola - Uses and Side Effects

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Elderberry - Uses and Side Effects
by Francis Adam

Elder flowers and berries have been used in traditional medicine and as flavorings for centuries. In folk medicine, the flowers have been used for their diuretic and laxative properties and as an astringent. Various parts of the elder have been used to treat cancer and a host of other unrelated disorders. Elderberry is available...

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(Article Abstract)
5 Myths That Can Prolong Anxiety and Depression
by mehendale niteen

Are you concerned about effective treatment of your anxiety/depression/stress disorder? Then, first up know about the myths. Get your facts straight and reduce your suffering.

1. It is widely perceived that chemical imbalances caused by an antidepressant reduces its effectiveness.Statistical studies suggest that...

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(Article Abstract)
what is yoga ?
by yoga beatbuy

What is Yoga?

The word "Yoga" came from the Sanskrit word "yuj" which means "to unite or integrate." Yoga, in general, is a spiritual practice or discipline that helps the individual unifies his/her body, mind, and heart. In Yoga, the body is treated with care and respect for it is the...

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Friday, May 16, 2008

What Acne Treatment Should You Use?

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(Article Abstract)
Fat Loss-5 Key Ways To Burn Fat
by Bryon Zirker

The fat loss tips below cover areas that are known to work and in some cases there has been research and studies showing their effectiveness.

1. Exercise Even A Little

You do not have to go to the Gym and do hour of aerobics or cardio to burn calories. Use resistance training instead with a weight amount that wil...

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(Article Abstract)
Speed Training Exercises
by Patrick Beith

Speed Training is en vogue and athletes from all different types of sports are focusing energy on speed training exercises. Many of the workouts involve interval training, sprinting, parachutes, stretching bands, circuit training, and more.

However, medicine ball drills are overlooked by many coaches and trainers. Even...

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(Article Abstract)
Makeup Tips for Shine Control
by Jay B.

Do you have an oily complexion? Well, if you do then it can be difficult at times to control the shine of your face caused from excess oil. If you're out in the sun a lot, this makes things even more difficult. Not to worry, there are a couple of makeup and cosmetic solutions to assist you with shine control.

Mineral ...

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(Article Abstract)
An Introduction to Niche Marketing - Making Your Yoga Studio a Specialty Shop
by Al Lipper

An Introduction to Niche Marketing – Making Your Yoga Studio a Specialty Shop

When I speak with a new client, one of the first things I ask them is "Who does your studio primarily serve?" This was just what I asked Lisa and Joseph when they asked me for help in getting more students to their studio. There was a som...

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Friday, May 9, 2008

How To Build Leg Muscle

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Urinary Tract Infection - Treatments for Uti
by Francis Adam

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a bacterial infection that affects any part of the urinary tract. Although urine contains a variety of fluids, salts, and waste products, it usually does not have bacteria in it. The urinary tract infections are the second most common type of infection in the body. Women are more at risk of dev...

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(Article Abstract)
How To Build Leg Muscle
by Robert Bell

Learning to build leg muscle can be more difficult than learning about biceps, which the beginner seems obsessed with. If you have the desire to build a balanced healthy and strong body, then leg work will form a crucial part of that. Here we show you how to build leg muscle.

Tip 1 There is really no secret to knowing h...

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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Steam Room Information - Steamrooms

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(Article Abstract)
Not Happy And Obsessed With Cellulite?
by Emma Wickham

Almost everybody, women especially, often are troubled by the word: cellulite. Being obsessed with cellulite appears to be the latest woman-specific pastime. Stop! Wouldn't it be more wise to get the facts, first?

I'm guessing you are not an infant, or and have already experienced the "joys and pleasures" of puberty thus, ...

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(Article Abstract)
Body Balance
by Benita Stephenson

Body Balance

Body Balance is a powerful whole food, liquid supplement that combines our proprietary blend of nine sea vegetables and certified organically grown Aloe Vera.

Sea Vegetables

Sea vegetables are one of the oldest forms of life on the planet and have been used for thousands of years by Asian c...

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(Article Abstract)
Guide to Geocaching Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
by Rob Campbell

Niagara Virtual

The Niagara Region is known for its breathtaking scenery, award winning wineries and world class Shaw Festival Theatre

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(Article Abstract)
Steam Sauna - Your Sauna Source
by Francis Adam

Imagine lying down in a nice hot sauna where the steam from the sauna will relax you from the rigors of your hard day at office. Some steam sauna units are steam shower units, steam cabinets or steam baths. These units are very practical and you can have these units installed in your bathroom with very little space taken up. ...

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Friday, May 2, 2008

Suzanne Somers ThighMaster Toning System

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SomerSize Me
by I C

Suzanne Somers is probably best known around the world for her role as Chrissy in the hit comedy Three's Company? Where she played ' the dumbest blonde in the world' is seems since that role Suzanne has proved that she is not so dumb after all.

She is probably nearly as well known for her Thigh Master® device and it is e...

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(Article Abstract)
Fats - The Worst and The Best!
by Francis Adam

Current guidelines for fat consumption are no more than 30% of total calories from fat. Most overweight or obese people consume tWice that amount. Not only does this fat cause people to gain weight, but it also increases the risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Different foods contain many d...

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