Saturday, September 22, 2007

Red Ribbon Week Time to Celebrate Freedom

Your AMAZINES.COM Subscription Article(s)

(Article Abstract)
Pitch Like The Pros
by Paul Fleming

Have you ever wondered how the pros get the golf ball to come up sharply out of the rough and land softly on the green?

Have you ever wondered why your ball doesn't do the same thing?

Here's the trick. Most golfers think that you have to kind of scoop the ball up out of the grass when in the rough ...

To view the entire article, click here.

(Article Abstract)
The Ashtanga Yoga Method
by Caroline Klebl

Ashtanga is a Sanskrit word, which is created by joining two words, ashta and anga. Ashta means eight. Anga is translated as limbs or steps. Ashtanga Yoga refers to the eight aspects of Yoga practice. Yoga is union. Yoga is a tangible method of attaining liberation from suffering and ultimate realization of supreme consciousn...

To view the entire article, click here.

(Article Abstract)
Roses are Red Ribbon Week Poetry
by caroline Mackay

Sometimes the best thing to do for Red Ribbon Week is to have the students make their own poetry. Using the old Roses are red, violets are blue poem is easy for the students to make up their own rhyme. Below are some examples.

Roses are red, Violets are blue, I won't ever take drugs, How about you? Roses are red, Nigh...

To view the entire article, click here.

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