Wednesday, September 26, 2007

IN THE SHADE OF THE YOGA TREE; A Living Context for Practice

Your AMAZINES.COM Subscription Article(s)

(Article Abstract)
A weight loss plan that works
by Susan Slobac

When developing a weight loss plan, common wisdom calls for the use of calorie counters. However, there is evidence to suggest that calorie counting may not necessarily be all that useful, and may actually lead to frustration with a weight loss plan.

In the science of physics, a ca...

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(Article Abstract)
11 Reasons Why Bodyweight Workouts Kick Butt
by Craig Ballantyne

There's nothing like doing a bodyweight workout circuit of prisoner squats, decline pushups, reverse lunges, inverted rows, bulgarian split squats, and spiderman pushups at home to build muscle and burn fat. Heck, you can get your entire workout done in the time it takes to drive to most gyms! Here are 11 reasons why bodyweight ...

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(Article Abstract)
A Body Fat Analyzer Can Help You To Get Started Loosing Fat
by Gary Holdon

Body fat is more important in determining a persons overall health than weight, so it is wise to find a way to calculate body fat. The bathroom scale can be misleading because a person can be considered overweight and still be healthy. Overall body fat should be the primary concern and focus. A body fat analyzer will more accur...

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(Article Abstract)
by Youngbear Roth, RYT, IAYT



Youngbear Roth, R.Y.T., I.A.Y.T.

Yoga Cat, Shadow, appears to understand Cynthia's question, "What do I do with my eyes? Where should I look? We've never discussed it." Shadow, a fifteen pound Russian Blue, sits on the inside windowsill, a dark silhouette, settled, staring...

To view the entire article, click here.

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