Monday, December 31, 2007

Mediterranean Diet: Mending Your Arteries after the Holidays

Your AMAZINES.COM Subscription Article(s)

(Article Abstract)
Chinese Herbalism and Chinese Herbal Medicine
by Francis Adam

The Chinese herbal tradition is believed to date back some 4,000 years to the Emperor Shen Nong (or Chien Nung). He is said to have described over: 300 medicinal plants and their uses in a book called the Pen Tsao. Although versions of several ancient pharmacopoeia still exist today, the main surviving text on herbalism is the b...

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(Article Abstract)
The difference between generic and branded drugs
by Medstore Medstore

Before trying to draw out the differences between generics and brand-name drugs, we must first of all give a clear definition of a generic drug. The active ingredient of "Generic" medication (for example, of "generic phentermine", which is adipex) is chemically identical to the active ingredient of the correspondent medication....

To view the entire article, click here.

(Article Abstract)
Mediterranean Diet: Mending Your Arteries after the Holidays
by Emilia Klapp

The holidays are gone and you are left with plenty of wonderful memories: time spent with your family and friends, sharing presents with your loved ones, lots of parties, and as part of all those gatherings, why not, memories of mouthwatering meals and desserts such as cakes, tarts, pies, pastries, chocolate, ice cream and cooki...

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