Monday, July 21, 2008

How healthy are the strength supplements that we are using today?

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Steps to Help You Equalize While Scuba Diving
by Javier Melendez

One of the first things you learn when first take up scuba diving is how to equalize your ears. Being able to equalize the pressure in this sensitive area of your body is highly important. But what exactly does equalizing the pressure mean, why should you do it and how do you do it?

What Does Equalizing Pressure Mean and...

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(Article Abstract)
by Dr. Ronald M. Caplan, M.D.

Many of the dietary rules we traditionally follow are arbitrary, and do not have much relation to what we really should be doing. There is no exercise that can keep one's skin and body youthful, although a fit person undeniably looks much better, is healthier, and is likely to live longer. Remaining youthful looking fundamenta...

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(Article Abstract)
Periformis Syndrome: Hitch in the Giddyup
by Lani Muelrath

Periformis Syndrome: Hitch in the Giddyup by Lani Muelrath, M. A. Fitness DreamMakers

In my work as fitness trainer and coach, I've encountered this syndrome in many an exercise fan - and have even experienced it myself. It is a pain in the hmmhmm and can take time to he...

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(Article Abstract)
How healthy are the strength supplements that we are using today?
by Robert Bell

We've all heard of steroids, prohormones, and protein powders. And we know that the supplement industry is a billion dollar industry, often feeding on the weaknesses of people hoping to make dramatic changes to their physiques in a short period of time. But how do we know which muscle building supplements are the most popular,...

To view the entire article, click here.

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