Monday, February 4, 2008

Alternative Medicine for Constipation

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(Article Abstract)
Exercise And Yoga For Asthma
by Francis Adam


Give yourself a break -- or two. Dr. Firshein advises everyone with asthma to engage in regular moderate exercise. "It strengthens the lungs, which helps prevent asthma symptoms," he explains. He prefers what he calls pulsed exercise-brief work­outs with rest periods in between. The breaks help prevent exercise-...

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(Article Abstract)
Alternative Medicine for Constipation
by steve Harmission

Constipation is usually caused by a diet which denies the body of roughage. It is quite possible that our ancestors did not suffer as much as we do in the modern world from the infrequent or difficult passing of hard, dry faeces known as constipation. Their diets would have been without the availability of such refined and rich...

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