Monday, July 9, 2007

Aim for Fitness and plan to stay there.

Your AMAZINES.COM Subscription Article(s)

(Article Abstract)
Fitness through exercise
by john parker

Exercise acts as a sole idea to attain fitness in true sense. It has been termed as an essential part of every fitness schedule. Hence, it has been rightly commented that the way to fitness goes through the ladder of exercise. Many people fail to take workout in the correct way and take it as an essential regular exerci...

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(Article Abstract)
Diagnosis Of Asthma - Symptoms and Allergy Tests
by tom alter

The early symptoms of asthma are coughing and wheezing. These are also the most visible signs and often put the doctors on an alert for further medical examinations. Mostly physicians are able to treat mild and moderate asthma. But it is advisable to undergo complete tests for a detailed diagnosis by an asthma specialist. Variou...

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(Article Abstract)
Simple Anti_Aging Natural supplements
by Lynn Ross

The generation that is responsible for the future doubling of our nation's senior citizen population, or baby boomers, were born at the time of the successful economy at the end of World War II. These baby boomers are very interested in anti-aging methods and anti-aging natural supplements available that will be beneficial to t...

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(Article Abstract)
Aim for Fitness and plan to stay there.
by Stephen Morgan

It is very easy to plan a training program not quite so easy to see it through.

Why is this so? Well basically the traditional viewpoint is that if it's a quick fix it isn't working. While it would be nice to actually lose some weight in just a few days like most quick fixes, managing weight and losing weight through ...

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