Friday, September 30, 2011

Overeating and Smoking has something in common!

Your AMAZINES.COM Subscription Article(s)

(Article Abstract)
Organic Natural Body Care Products - An In Depth Analysis On What Works And What Doesn't
by Vijay Raisinghani

A properly chosen organic natural body care product not only makes our skin supple, elastic and toned, but it is also highly effective in maintaining our skin's youth and vitality even in old age. Here is your expert guide on how to select the best body care product for yourself.

A majority of us neglect our overall skin...

To view the entire article, click here.

(Article Abstract)
Overeating and Smoking has something in common!
by Heleen Woest

I have this nightmare: I am out in the cold, with the smokers, clutching my doughnut...

Recently I saw this commercial of Kaiser Permanente that really spoke to me. I pondered over it for days. It's the one where the highways are full of cyclists instead of cars, the vending machines have apples instead of candy bars, an...

To view the entire article, click here.

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