Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How Growth-Rx Can Help Increase Lean Muscle

Your AMAZINES.COM Subscription Article(s)

(Article Abstract)
Hulahoops and the Circus--Five Fun New Ways to Lose Weight
by Jen Boda

Some people love to exercise–they find running meditative, hiking relaxing and spiritual. They go to the gym daily and can't live without it or faithfully bust out the exercise videos at home….And then there are the rest of us. "Exercise is boring," we sigh, "it hurts. I don't have time. I'd rather be relaxing…"

We know...

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(Article Abstract)
It's Time to Lose the Beer Belly
by Andrew Bicknell

There's nothing quite like a beer belly. It takes a good amount of work to generate a good one but there comes a time when it's time for your party friend to go away. But that's easier said then done because the beer belly you spent years creating doesn't just get up and leave. You two have a history together, good times, and it...

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(Article Abstract)
GoChi Juice: Research and History?
by Robert Bell

History--Goji is grown mainly in Asia, India, China and Mongolia. The most popular and nutritious berries are grown in the Tibet and Himalayan Mountain regions. However, these berries can be found throughout parts of the UK as ornamental bushes and North America. In the 1700's, a nobleman introduced this berry bush as an exotic ...

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