Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Short or Long Hair? Making a Wise Decision

Your AMAZINES.COM Subscription Article(s)

(Article Abstract)
Swimming - Is It The Answer To Getting In Shape?
by Russel Oberson

When you start thinking about starting a new fitness program, you have to consider which type of cardiovascular exercise to do. It may be that you use a combination of various exercises and what you pick out is oftentimes based on what you enjoy. The benefits of a cardio routine are many such as improving the health of your hear...

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(Article Abstract)
Nutrients for Reproductive Function - How Amino Acids Affect Reproductive Health
by man health

The foods that we eat are made up of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins; the body needs all of these nutrients, as well as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, in order to stay healthy and carry out all of its essential functions. Proteins, in particular, play an important role in regulating the metabolism and creating energy, as...

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(Article Abstract)
Nutri????o Inteligente ?? destaque no tema Produtos para Sa?
by Brian Dawson

Bom dia pessoal! No texto da semana iremos tratar do tema: Produtos para Sa?de. Amino??cidos, Repositores Energ??ticos e Pr??-treinos tamb??m s??o assuntos que nos interessam aqui. Sabemos que quando se fala em Produtos para Sa?de atra??mos as aten???es de Esportistas, ginastas, lutadores, jogadores e Mulheres e Homens que qu...

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(Article Abstract)
What's The Big Issue With Boosting High Density Lipoprotein?
by Sam Robbins

What's The Big Issue With Boosting High Density Lipoprotein? HDL cholesterol (the healthy cholesterol - which represents High Density Lipoprotein) helps to hinder your arteries from being blocked caused by LDL (the unhealthy cholesterol - which represents Low Density Lipoprotein). This is achieved by elimination of the excessiv...

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(Article Abstract)
Short or Long Hair? Making a Wise Decision
by Frank Ogara

Having a strong body is one thing, but maintaining it is the hard part. You probably have recently noticed that you are no longer as fit as you were. You are easily getting tired and can no longer cope with the exercises you used to do. There are some exercises that you can do to enhance or improve your fitness.

1. Takin...

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