Monday, November 26, 2012

3 Secrets To Long Golf Drives

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Recovering From Anxiety And Depression
by Nathan Tyler

On the morning following a night of binge drinking, it's not uncommon to be in a mild state of anxiety and depression. It's ironic that people young and old, drink alcohol to have fun since alcohol is in fact a depressant. It's estimated that 30% of teens binge drink at least twice a month. Shockingly, one third of suicides in t...

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The Brian Dawkins Workout
by Thomas Urvile

Brian Dawkins has never published his workout regimen. But everyone associated with him claims that he works out harder, and with more intensity, than any other NFL player they know. Dawk himself says that he is a beast on the field because of his "controlled fury", and his workouts are designed to support a chart-topping level ...

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Omega3 Fats: All Fats are NOT Created Equal
by Elizabeth Ruby

Are you aware that you need more fat in your diet? You are probably thinking: that statement has to be a misprint. The truth of the matter is that most people here in the United States DO need more fat in their diets. The problem is that we have been taking in too much of the wrong fats and not consuming enough of the healthy...

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Exercise Your Way to Stress Reduction By Therapeutic Gardening
by Mike Matthews

Therapeutic Gardening is an ideal stress buster in these busy and demanding times we find ourselves in. It is easy to let stress take over your life. From career, to family, to health, to money, to any and everything in between, most people feel like there simply isn't enough time in the day to get everything done.


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(Article Abstract)
3 Secrets To Long Golf Drives
by Philip Woodrow

Have you ever been curious about the secrets to long golf drives? For most handicap golfers the driver is the one club in the bag everyone wants to be able to hit long and far. There is a lot of prestige associated with hitting long drives in the golfing fraternity, and we all want some of that, if we are honest.


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