Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Gym exercise and shoulder pain

Your AMAZINES.COM Subscription Article(s)

(Article Abstract)
The Problem Of Post Pregnancy Weight Control
by Gary Holdon

Bringing a baby into the world is a wondrous and joyful experience. The downside of course is the weight that was gained during the pregnancy and the fight to get rid of it. Carrying an extra bit of weight after pregnancy is hard for some women to handle and couple that with the responsibility of parenting will make for a stress...

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(Article Abstract)
Quit Smoking With Robotic Precision
by Fred Kelley

Have you tried quitting smoking cold-turkey, only to light up a day or even an hour later? Many health practitioners will tell you that making a clean break from cigarettes is the only effective way to stop smoking. But when cold-turkey does not work for you, then what? You must find a way to quit smoking that works with your ha...

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(Article Abstract)
Turbulence Training
by Kevin Beucke

Even if you are a demanding person (and let's face it, who isn't nowadays?), there are levelheaded habits and exercises you can perform to improve your physique and lead a better-off life. In fact, twenty minutes, three times a week is all you need to maintain a positive, level-headed lifestyle.

In order to be most valua...

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(Article Abstract)
Free Weight Training for Scuba Diving
by Darrell Young

I think the main reason people give up on exercising with free weights, is because it's too much hard work involved. I would compare it to online marketing. But you can turn hard work into fun if you can keep the right mind set. When you start your Scuba Diving training, you don't have ...

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(Article Abstract)
Gym exercise and shoulder pain
by Robert Bell

It's interesting how you don't notice a certain part of your body until it starts giving you problems. Imagine this, you use your arms everyday and connected to your arm is your shoulder which mostly moves with your arm.

Now all of a sudden somewhere along the line you hurt your shoulder. You're not exactly sure when or...

To view the entire article, click here.

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